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Q: Is it possible to produce PDF document using Pdfium? A: Yes, it is possible. For example the following c# code produce document like this  quotation.pdf (16kb) downloaded 16 time(s). quotation.png (49kb) downloaded 53 time(s).Code:
public void CreateDocument()
//All coordinates in this method are in inches
var doc = PdfDocument.CreateNew();
var page = AddNewPage(doc, 8.27f, 11.69f);
//Insert logo from file
using (Bitmap logo = Bitmap.FromFile(@"e:\0\logo_square.png") as Bitmap)
InsertImageAt(page, 0.5f, 10.07f, 1.12f, 1.12f, logo);
InsertText(page, "Patagames Software", 7.69f, 11.02f, CreateCalibryBold(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "sales@patagames.com", 7.69f, 10.83f, CreateCalibryBold(doc), FS_COLOR.SteelBlue, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "https://patagames.com", 7.69f, 10.65f, CreateCalibryBold(doc), FS_COLOR.SteelBlue, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM. dd, yyyy"), 7.69f, 10.30f, CreateCalibryBold(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "#1804051", 7.69f, 10.11f, CreateCalibryBold(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "Quotation", 3.38f, 9.37f, CreateCalibryBold(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 26.04f);
InsertText(page, "Dear %username%,", 0.51f, 9.02f, CreateCalibry(doc), FS_COLOR.Black);
InsertText(page, "We have pleasure in submitting our quotation as requested. Please contact us should you have any questions at all.", 0.51f, 8.79f, CreateCalibry(doc), FS_COLOR.Black);
InsertText(page, "Details", 0.51f, 7.97f, CreateCalibryItalic(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 12.96f);
InsertText(page, "Quantity", 4.96f, 7.97f, CreateCalibryItalic(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 12.96f);
InsertText(page, "Price", 6.20f, 7.97f, CreateCalibryItalic(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 12.96f);
InsertText(page, "Amount", 6.86f, 7.97f, CreateCalibryItalic(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 12.96f);
//draw line at the top edge
InsertRect(page, 0.41f, 10.0600f, 7.69f, 10.0601f, FS_COLOR.Black);
//draw table background
InsertRect(page, 4.88f, 7.47f, 7.67f, 7.91f, FS_COLOR.WhiteSmoke);
InsertRect(page, 4.88f, 7.03f, 7.67f, 7.25f, FS_COLOR.WhiteSmoke);
//draw table lines
InsertRect(page, 0.43f, 7.9100f, 7.67f, 7.9101f, FS_COLOR.Black);
InsertRect(page, 4.8700f, 7.91f, 4.8801f, 7.03f, FS_COLOR.Black);
InsertText(page, "Pdfium.Net SDK", 4.8f, 7.49f, CreateCalibryItalic(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 12.96f, true);
InsertText(page, "Tesseract.Net SDK", 4.8f, 7.27f, CreateCalibryItalic(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 12.96f, true);
InsertText(page, "15", 5.44f, 7.51f, CreateCalibry(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "1", 5.44f, 7.29f, CreateCalibry(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "400 USD", 6.52f, 7.51f, CreateCalibry(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "450 USD", 6.52f, 7.29f, CreateCalibry(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "Total", 6.52f, 7.11f, CreateCalibryBold(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "6000 USD", 7.6f, 7.51f, CreateCalibry(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "450 USD", 7.6f, 7.29f, CreateCalibry(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "6450 USD", 7.6f, 7.11f, CreateCalibryBold(doc), FS_COLOR.Black, 11.04f, true);
InsertText(page, "Kind regards", 0.51f, 6.55f, CreateCalibryBold(doc), FS_COLOR.Black);
InsertText(page, "Tany Olivo", 0.51f, 6.35f, CreateCalibryBold(doc), FS_COLOR.Black);
InsertText(page, "Sales executive for Patagames.", 0.51f, 6.14f, CreateCalibryBold(doc), FS_COLOR.Black);
InsertText(page, "Please visit the following link for ordering", 0.51f, 5.35f, CreateCalibry(doc), FS_COLOR.Gray);
InsertText(page, "https://secure.avangate.com/order/checkout.php?PRODS=4657591,4659535&QTY=15,1&CART=1&CARD=1", 0.51f, 5.12f, CreateCalibry(doc), FS_COLOR.SteelBlue);
//Insert qrcode from file
using (Bitmap qrcode = Bitmap.FromFile(@"e:\0\logo_square.png") as Bitmap)
InsertImageAt(page, 0.5f, 3.69f, 1.19f, 1.19f, qrcode);
doc.Save(@"e:\10\test.pdf", SaveFlags.NoIncremental);
private PdfPage AddNewPage(PdfDocument doc, float width, float height)
//PDF point is a 1/72 enches
doc.Pages.InsertPageAt(doc.Pages.Count, width * 72, height * 72);
return doc.Pages[doc.Pages.Count - 1];
private void InsertText(PdfPage page, string text, float x, float y, PdfFont font, FS_COLOR FS_COLOR, float fontSize = 11.04f, bool isAlignRight = false)
PdfTextObject textObject = PdfTextObject.Create(text, x * 72, y * 72, font, fontSize);
textObject.FillColor = FS_COLOR;
if (isAlignRight)
float w = textObject.BoundingBox.Width;
textObject.Location = new FS_POINTF(textObject.Location.X - w, textObject.Location.Y);
private void InsertRect(PdfPage page, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, FS_COLOR fillFS_COLOR)
PdfPathObject pathObject = PdfPathObject.Create(FillModes.Alternate, false);
pathObject.FillColor = fillFS_COLOR;
pathObject.Path.Add(new FS_PATHPOINTF(x1 * 72, y1 * 72, PathPointFlags.MoveTo));
pathObject.Path.Add(new FS_PATHPOINTF(x2 * 72, y1 * 72, PathPointFlags.LineTo));
pathObject.Path.Add(new FS_PATHPOINTF(x2 * 72, y2 * 72, PathPointFlags.LineTo));
pathObject.Path.Add(new FS_PATHPOINTF(x1 * 72, y2 * 72, PathPointFlags.LineTo));
pathObject.Path.Add(new FS_PATHPOINTF(x1 * 72, y1 * 72, PathPointFlags.CloseFigure | PathPointFlags.LineTo));
private void InsertImageAt(PdfPage page, float x, float y, float width, float height, Bitmap image)
PdfBitmap bitmap = new PdfBitmap(image.Width, image.Height, true);
using (var g = Graphics.FromImage(bitmap.Image))
g.DrawImage(image, 0, 0, image.Width, image.Height);
PdfImageObject imageObject = PdfImageObject.Create(page.Document, bitmap, 0, 0);
imageObject.Matrix = new FS_MATRIX(width * 72, 0, 0, height * 72, x * 72, y * 72);
private PdfFont CreateCalibryBold(PdfDocument doc)
return PdfFont.CreateFont(doc, "Calibri", FontCharSet.DEFAULT_CHARSET, true);
private PdfFont CreateCalibryItalic(PdfDocument doc)
return PdfFont.CreateFont(doc, "Calibri", FontCharSet.DEFAULT_CHARSET, false, true);
private PdfFont CreateCalibry(PdfDocument doc)
return PdfFont.CreateFont(doc, "Calibri");
Edited by user Monday, July 15, 2019 1:23:52 AM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified