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Paul Rayman  
#1 Posted : Wednesday, March 4, 2020 7:54:29 AM(UTC)
Paul Rayman

Rank: Administration

Groups: Administrators
Joined: 1/5/2016(UTC)
Posts: 1,107

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Q: Is there any list of supports Unicode languages? Is there a list of not-supported languages?
Is there any way to generate multilingual pdf without enforcing user to download any font or langauge pack?

A: The PDF format has no restrictions on the language used in the page content. Moreover, it assume that font can be embedded into the document. Thus, the ability to display a certain character in a document depends only on what font you use when creating this document.
For example the following c# code produce document like this
multilingual.png (102kb) downloaded 15 time(s).
multilingual.pdf (3,792kb) downloaded 5 time(s).

To Generate this document Code2000.ttf was used.
CODE2000.zip (3,775kb) downloaded 7 time(s).


enum Align { Left, Right, Center };
public void Generate()
    using (var doc = PdfDocument.CreateNew())
        //Read the contents of the font (ttf) file and embed it into a PDF document.
        var data = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(@"code2000.ttf");
        var font = PdfFont.CreateEmbeddedFont(doc, data, Patagames.Pdf.Enums.FontCharSet.UNICODE_CHARSET, false);

        //Add first page (1 PDF point is equal to 1/72 enches)
        using (var page = doc.Pages.InsertPageAt(doc.Pages.Count, 8.27f * 72, 11.69f * 72))
            InsertText(page, "Multilingual PDF", font, 4.13f, 11.00f, FS_COLOR.Black, 25, Align.Center);
            InsertText(page, "This is a document illustrating the process of creating a multilingual PDF. The font «Code2000» was", font, 0.30f, 10.60f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "used to display the whole variety of languages ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code2000 ).", font, 0.30f, 10.40f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "Since the font is embedded in the document, you can open and view the document correctly on a", font, 0.30f, 10.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "system that doesn't have the document's fonts resident.", font, 0.30f, 10.00f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "The pangrams below are taken from here: http://clagnut.com/blog/2380/", font, 0.30f, 09.60f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "The C # code, creating this document can be found here:", font, 0.30f, 09.40f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "https://forum.patagames.com/posts/t682-How-to-generate-multilingual-content-Pdf", font, 0.30f, 09.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            float y = 9.20f;
            InsertText(page, "Arabic", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "صِف خَلقَ خَودِ كَمِثلِ الشَمسِ إِذ بَزَغَت — يَحظى الضَجيعُ بِها نَجلاءَ مِعطارِ (A poem by Al Farāhīdi)", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Azeri", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Zəfər, jaketini də papağını da götür, bu axşam hava çox soyuq olacaq.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Breton", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Yec’hed mat Jakez ! Skarzhit ar gwerennoù-mañ, kavet e vo gwin betek fin ho puhez.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Bulgarian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Ах чудна българска земьо, полюшвай цъфтящи жита.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Catalan", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "«Dóna amor que seràs feliç!». Això, il·lús company geniüt, ja és un lluït rètol blavís d’onze kWh.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Cherokee", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "ᎠᏍᎦᏯᎡᎦᎢᎾᎨᎢᎣᏍᏓᎤᎩᏍᏗᎥᎴᏓᎯᎲᎢᏔᎵᏕᎦᏟᏗᏖᎸᎳᏗᏗᎧᎵᎢᏘᎴᎩ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "ᏙᏱᏗᏜᏫᏗᏣᏚᎦᏫᏛᏄᏓᎦᏝᏃᎠᎾᏗᎭᏞᎦᎯᎦᏘᏓᏠᎨᏏᏕᏡᎬᏢᏓᏥᏩᏝᎡᎢᎪᎢ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "ᎠᎦᏂᏗᎮᎢᎫᎩᎬᏩᎴᎢᎠᏆᏅᏛᎫᏊᎾᎥᎠᏁᏙᎲᏐᏈᎵᎤᎩᎸᏓᏭᎷᏤᎢᏏᏉᏯᏌᏊ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "ᎤᏂᏋᎢᏡᎬᎢᎰᏩᎬᏤᎵᏍᏗᏱᎩᎱᎱᎤᎩᎴᎢᏦᎢᎠᏂᏧᏣᏨᎦᏥᎪᎥᏌᏊᎤᎶᏒᎢᎢᏡᎬᎢ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "ᎹᎦᎺᎵᏥᎻᎼᏏᎽᏗᏩᏂᎦᏘᎾᎿᎠᏁᎬᎢᏅᎩᎾᏂᎡᎢᏌᎶᎵᏎᎷᎠᏑᏍᏗᏪᎩ ᎠᎴ ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "ᏬᏗᏲᏭᎾᏓᏍᏓᏴᏁᎢᎤᎦᏅᏮᏰᎵᏳᏂᎨᎢ.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Chinese", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "(Traditional) 視野無限廣,窗外有藍天", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Chinese", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "(Simplified) 中国智造,慧及全球", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Croatian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Gojazni đačić s biciklom drži hmelj i finu vatu u džepu nošnje.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Czech", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Nechť již hříšné saxofony ďáblů rozezvučí síň úděsnými tóny waltzu, tanga a quickstepu.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Danish", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Høj bly gom vandt fræk sexquiz på wc", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Dzongkha", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "ཨ་ཡིག་དཀར་མཛེས་ལས་འཁྲུངས་ཤེས་བློའི་གཏེར༎ ཕས་རྒོལ་ཝ་སྐྱེས་ཟིལ་གནོན་གདོང་ལྔ་བཞིན༎ ཆགས་ཐོགས་ཀུན་བྲལ་མཚུངས་མེད་འཇམ་དབྱངསམཐུས༎ མཧཱ་མཁས་པའི་གཙོ་བོ་ཉིད་འགྱུར་ཅིག།", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "Not supported by Code2000 font.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.10f, FS_COLOR.DarkRed, 8.0f);

            InsertText(page, "Esperanto", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Eble ĉiu kvazaŭ-deca fuŝĥoraĵo ĝojigos homtipon.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Generated by Pdfium.Net SDK (https://pdfium.patagames.com)", font, 8.20f, 0.10f, FS_COLOR.Black, 8, Align.Right);

            //Before you save the page to a file, or reload the page, or dispose it, you must call the GenerateContent methos. Or the changed information will be lost.

        //Add second page (1 PDF point is equal to 1/72 enches)
        using (var page = doc.Pages.InsertPageAt(doc.Pages.Count, 8.27f * 72, 11.69f * 72))
            float y = 11.60f;

            InsertText(page, "Estonian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Põdur Zagrebi tšellomängija-följetonist Ciqo külmetas kehvas garaažis", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Finnish", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Wieniläinen sioux’ta puhuva ökyzombie diggaa Åsan roquefort-tacoja.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "French", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Portez ce vieux whisky au juge blond qui a fumé.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "West Frisian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Alve bazige froulju wachtsje op dyn komst", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "German", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "“Fix, Schwyz!” quäkt Jürgen blöd vom Paß", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Greek", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Ταχίστη αλώπηξ βαφής ψημένη γη, δρασκελίζει υπέρ νωθρού κυνός", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "Takhístè alôpèx vaphês psèménè gè, draskelízei ypér nòthroý kynós", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Hebrew", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "דג סקרן שט בים מאוכזב ולפתע מצא חברה ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Hindi", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "ऋषियों को सताने वाले दुष्ट राक्षसों के राजा रावण का सर्वनाश करने वाले विष्णुवतार", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "भगवान श्रीराम, अयोध्या के महाराज दशरथ के बड़े सपुत्र थे।", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Hungarian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Jó foxim és don Quijote húszwattos lámpánál ülve egy pár bűvös cipőt készít.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Icelandic", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Svo hölt, yxna kýr þegði jú um dóp í fé á bæ.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Igbo", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Nne, nna, wepụ he’l’ụjọ dum n’ime ọzụzụ ụmụ, vufesi obi nye Chukwu, ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "ṅụrịanụ, gbakọọnụ kpaa, kwee ya ka o guzoshie ike; ọ ghaghị ito, nwapụta ezi agwa.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Indonesian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Muharjo seorang xenofobia universal yang takut pada warga jazirah, contohnya Qatar.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Irish", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Ċuaiġ bé ṁórṡáċ le dlúṫspád fíorḟinn trí hata mo ḋea-ṗorcáin ḃig", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Italian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Ma la volpe, col suo balzo, ha raggiunto il quieto Fido.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Japanese", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "いろはにほへと ちりぬるを わかよたれそ つねならむ うゐのおくやま けふこえて あさきゆめみし ゑひもせす(ん)", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "色は匂へど 散りぬるを 我が世誰ぞ 常ならむ 有為の奥山 今日越えて 浅き夢見じ 酔ひもせず(ん)", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "とりなくこゑす ゆめさませ みよあけわたる ひんかしを そらいろはえて おきつへに ほふねむれゐぬ もやのうち", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "鳥啼く声す 夢覚ませ 見よ明け渡る 東を 空色栄えて 沖つ辺に 帆船群れゐぬ 靄の中", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "田居に出で 菜摘むわれをぞ 君召すと 求食り追ひゆく 山城の 打酔へる子ら 藻葉干せよ え舟繋けぬ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Javanese", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "꧋ ꦲꦤꦕꦫꦏ꧈ ꦢꦠꦱꦮꦭ꧈ ꦥꦝꦗꦪꦚ꧈ ꦩꦒꦧꦛꦔ꧉", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "Not supported by Code2000 font.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.15f, FS_COLOR.DarkRed, 8.0f);

            InsertText(page, "Generated by Pdfium.Net SDK (https://pdfium.patagames.com)", font, 8.20f, 0.10f, FS_COLOR.Black, 8, Align.Right);

            //Before you save the page to a file, or reload the page, or dispose it, you must call the GenerateContent methos. Or the changed information will be lost.

        //Add third page (1 PDF point is equal to 1/72 enches)
        using (var page = doc.Pages.InsertPageAt(doc.Pages.Count, 8.27f * 72, 11.69f * 72))
            float y = 11.60f;
            InsertText(page, "Klingon", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "    ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Korean", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "키스의 고유조건은 입술끼리 만나야 하고 특별한 기술은 필요치 않다.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Latin", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Sic fugiens, dux, zelotypos, quam Karus haberis.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Latvian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Muļķa hipiji mēģina brīvi nogaršot celofāna žņaudzējčūsku.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Lithuanian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Įlinkdama fechtuotojo špaga sublykčiojusi pragręžė apvalų arbūzą", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Lojban", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, ".o’i mu xagji sofybakni cu zvati le purdi", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Macedonian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Ѕидарски пејзаж: шугав билмез со чудење џвака ќофте и кељ на туѓ цех.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Malayalam", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "അജവും ആനയും ഐരാവതവും ഗരുഡനും കഠോര സ്വരം പൊഴിക്കെ ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "ഹാരവും ഒഢ്യാണവും ഫാലത്തില്‍ മഞ്ഞളും ഈറന്‍ കേശത്തില്‍ ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "ഔഷധ എണ്ണയുമായി ഋതുമതിയും അനഘയും ഭൂനാഥയുമായ ഉമ ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "ദുഃഖഛവിയോടെ ഇടതു പാദം ഏന്തി ങ്യേയാദൃശം നിര്‍ഝരിയിലെ ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "ചിറ്റലകളെ ഓമനിക്കുമ്പോള്‍ ബാ‍ലയുടെ കണ്‍കളില്‍ നീര്‍ ഊര്‍ന്നു വിങ്ങി.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Mapudungun", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "(Ragileo alphabet) Gvxam mincetu apocikvyeh: ñizol ce mamvj ka raq kuse bafkeh mew", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "(Unified alphabet) Ngütram minchetu apochiküyeṉ: ñidol che mamüll ka rag kushe ḻafkeṉ mew.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "(Azümchefe) Gütxam minchetu apochiküyenh: ñizol che mamüll ka raq kushe lhafkenh mew.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Mongolian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Щётканы фермд пийшин цувъя. Бөгж зогсч хэльюү.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Myanmar", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "သီဟိုဠ်မှ ဉာဏ်ကြီးရှင်သည် အာယုဝဍ္ဎနဆေးညွှန်းစာကို ဇလွန်ဈေးဘေးဗာဒံပင်ထ က် အဓိဋ္ဌာန်လျက် ဂဃနဏဖတ်ခဲ့သည်။", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Norwegian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Vår sære Zulu fra badeøya spilte jo whist og quickstep i min taxi.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

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            InsertText(page, "Jeżu klątw, spłódź Finom część gry hańb! (by Stanisław Barańczak)", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

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            InsertText(page, "Romanian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "Muzicologă în bej vând whisky și tequila, preț fix.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

            InsertText(page, "Russian", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
            InsertText(page, "В чащах юга жил бы цитрус? Да, но фальшивый экземпляр!", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

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            InsertText(page, "Benjamín pidió una bebida de kiwi y fresa; Noé, sin vergüenza, la más exquisita champaña del menú.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "(with ch, ñ, rr and ll) El pingüino Wenceslao hizo kilómetros bajo exhaustiva lluvia y frío;", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "añoraba a su querido cachorro.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

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            InsertText(page, "Yxskaftbud, ge vår WC-zonmö IQ-hjälp.", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

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            InsertText(page, "วิชาการ อย่าล้างผลาญฤๅเข่นฆ่าบีฑาใคร ไม่ถือโทษโกรธแช่งซัดฮึดฮัดด่า หัด", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
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            InsertText(page, "Чуєш їх, доцю, га? Кумедна ж ти, прощайся без ґольфів!", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

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            InsertText(page, "ھنڈ میں، ایک قحط زدہ گاؤں سے گذرتے وقت ایک چڑچڑے، باأثر و فارغ ", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);
            InsertText(page, "شخص کو بعض جل پری نما اژدہے نظر آئے۔", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.20f, FS_COLOR.Black);

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            InsertText(page, "Welsh", font, 0.30f, y = y - 0.40f, FS_COLOR.Black, 14);
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private void InsertText(PdfPage page, string text, PdfFont font, float x, float y, FS_COLOR FS_COLOR, float fontSize = 11.04f, Align align = Align.Left)
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Edited by user Saturday, March 7, 2020 1:00:18 AM(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

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